The Loft NYC has been founded by Rochel Deitsch in 2018, under the aegis of ALIYA GIRLS established by Chaviva and Meir New. With the assistance of Leah Groner, The Loft NYC has since grown into a thriving and dynamic community for women in their twenties. The Loft NYC aims to be a space for spirituality, connection and a home away from home for the many young women living in Crown Heights. Offering weekly classes, Shabbos and Yomtov meals hosted by Rochel and her husband Eli Deitsch as well as programming for special days, the Loft’s objective is to make everyone feel unconditionally embraced and cared for.
Crown Heights is an ever-evolving community with more and more young people from all walks of life moving to the neighborhood each year. Many young women new to the community often struggle to find their place and an environment where they feel truly accepted irrespective of their religious background or level of observance. For increasing numbers of young women, the Loft NYC has become a welcoming and nourishing space which they proudly call their own.